02 Apr Getting Sick is Good for You: A Parent’s Guide to Trusting the Wisdom of Nature to Raise Healthy, Resilient Future Adults
Introducing Getting Sick is Good for You: A Parent’s Guide to Trusting the Wisdom of Nature to Raise Healthy, Resilient Future Adults. In this non-fiction parenting book (approximately 100,000 words), we provide a powerful counter-narrative to fear-based parenting and the artificial answers to life’s basic needs.
We explore topics like:
- Why a child’s fever is a sign of core health, not a medical emergency.
- How our “culture of cleanliness” may be at the root of the rise in allergies and autoimmune disorders.
- How 30 minutes a day in nature can swiftly improve or eliminate conditions like ADHD and depression.
- Why snuggling your baby can help make them a financially-secure adult.
Meticulously researched, our book provides strategies to promote the whole health of a child, from birth to adult. We provide evidence that turning towards nature can prevent modern epidemics like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease and help our kids enter adulthood with resilience. With snapshots from our own imperfect parenting, we tackle topics like nutrition, immunity, sleep, stress and physical activity, as well as self-esteem, sexuality and environmental responsibility. Leslie brings a wealth of medical knowledge and academic rigor, while Heather offers a down-to-earth interpretation of science that brings the book’s concepts to life in an accessible and often humorous way.
Who are we?
Leslie Solomonian is a naturopathic doctor and award-winning professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is the author of the textbook Naturopathic and IntegrativePediatrics.http://lesliesolomonian.weebly.com/book.html
Heather Hudson is a respected journalist and writer who has been published in The Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail and writes for organizations like Covenant House, Canadian Cancer Society, Toyota Canada and RBC. https://heatherhudson.ca, https://www.thestar.com/authors.hudson_heather.html
Manuscript excerpts available upon request!
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